Super Smash Bros
If you didn’t already know, the next Super Smash Bros is coming to the Wii U later this year. But what you didn’t know is all of the new features coming. Nintendo decided to kick their pre-E3 digital event off w/ Smash Bros news. Bringing Mii support and 3DS launch details.

That’s right! Your Mii can be used as a fighter. Miis have 3 different fighting styles to choose from: Brawlers, Swordfighters, & Gunners. Brawlers is a hand-to-hand combat. Swordfighters use weapons. Gunners uses Mega Man- like arm cannons to fight. Each fighter has 4 special moves to choose from 12 options while Mii fighters have a total of 36 to choose from.

Now on to the 3DS, Super Smash Bros is coming to the portable gaming console later this year on October 3rd.

Categories: gaming Nintendo