Last night during the season finale of The Walking Dead, Microsoft hit us w/ not just one but 2 live-action trailers for Halo 5: Guardians.  It also revealed the release date fro the 5th installment of the Master Chief adventures coming later this year on October 27th.  With #HuntTheTruth being the marketing campaign behind it, everyone who loves the Master Chief will be looking for answers. 

The video above shows  Jameson Locke walking through massive destruction talking about the one-great Chief before finding him wounded by a statue before pointing a pistol at him.  Part of an interesting twist, the 2nd video below shows a bit of role reversal as its now the Chief walking + talking about Locke before pointing a pistol at him. 

Which one is the truth?  We have about 7 months fro Microsoft to drag this out a bit.  In the meantime, you should pre-order yours while you wait and see our hands-on w/ the multiplayer beta from Halo 5.  

Categories: gaming Xbox One