blackops 3 stockLooks like the folks over at Activision found out a way to please gamers on both current & next-gen consoles.  Back in June when they unveiled Black Ops III, they said the PS3 & Xbox 360 would get reduced features.  Now we know exactly how much it has been reduced.  

Don’t look for campaign modes at all on the current-gen consoles.  Instead, you’ll only have multiplayer and zombie modes at your disposal.  The company says that they weren’t able to pull off the campaigns on older hardware like they wanted to so sacrifices had to be made.  So if you’re the type who’s interested in campaign (single player & co-op), weapon paint shop, and their new suite of e-sports tools; platforms like the PC, PS4, & Xbox One are the way to go.  

With Activision recently unveiling a new global e-sports league for Black Ops III, this is the another example of the current platforms being left behind.  But most COD gamers don’t really go for the campaigns anyways so it won’t be a huge loss on their part.  The game will be out officially on November 6th.  

Call Of Duty

Categories: gaming