Today, Ubisoft unveiled damn-near everything we need to know about their upcoming Watch Dogs 2 game.  This time around everything is new: from the main character down to the setting.  We got a new hacker by the name of Marcus Holloway from Oakland as most of the game takes place there and Silicon Valley.

The hacking party moves from Chicago to Silicon Valley. 

Marcus is a young hacker who is a member of Dedsec and accused of a crime he didn’t commit.  This time around everything will be hackable: from cars, trucks, helicopters, and forklifts.  He will have access to metal 3D-printed guns, hacked bombs, drones, and a melee weapon.  To make things even more interesting this time around, Marcus has the ability to parkour through places allowing you to go all stealthy or nah.

You will have to lead Marcus up against underground gangs, corporations, and other hackers.  You can team up w/ Dedsec members to tackle situations multiplayer mode or co-op.  Watch Dogs will be out later this year on November 15th for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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