What Are Businesses Concerns Within The Modern IT World?

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

The modern IT world has a lot of dangers to it – it’s the most technologically advanced we’ve ever been as a species or society, and because of that, there are a lot of ways to exploit the system. And from a business’ viewpoint, the modern IT world is the most fiscally and focus demanding department they’ll ever have to deal with.

After all, defending against cyberattacks costs over $3 billion every year, and about 95% of all attacks are caused by human error – these are two quite frightening statistics, and they certainly deserve a little more time and attention in 2021. So, let’s go through the top three concerns within business IT that you should be aware of, whether you’re a customer or a business executive.

Outdated Technology

Outdated tech is a big deal; when you’re using a product that hasn’t been patched in years, and doesn’t align with current tech industry standards, you’re leaving a big gaping hole in your company’s IT infrastructure.

After all, old tech doesn’t have the same up to date protection systems to rely on, and anyone could exploit these back doors to let in all kinds of malware or phishing devices. So, the simple fix here is to update as soon as new patches and/or new hardware is released onto the market.

A Lack of Backup

Backing up the data your company keeps a hold of, as well as any and all software you use and all of its accompaniments, is a big part of keeping your business safe in the IT world. A lack of backup puts you at even greater risk of losing everything if an attack ever occurs – indeed, even just a loss of power at the wrong moment could tank your entire company this way.

Maybe you’ve found keeping backups too expensive or space consuming to bother with. If so, be sure to get in touch with some source code escrow services; outsource your literal source code for safekeeping, regularly update this backup, and never have to worry about the system going dark again.

Weak Links in the Security Chain

Mobiles devices, especially, are big weak links in a company’s security chain. Indeed, every single mobile user should think about using a VPN when accessing company servers remotely, but very few data action plans actually include details like this. Everybody uses their phone and/or a tablet to get work done on the go, but who knows how secure that outside connection really is?

Make sure portable devices are password protected, use encrypted connections, and make it easy to report how many phones and tablets are currently in use by your team. That way, if any go missing, you’ll instantly know about it.

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com

The modern IT world can be a tough one to handle. Make sure you’re aware of gaps in your digital security system, always keep a copy of everything on your servers, and keep your technology as recent as you can possibly afford.
