What To Do If You Don’t Want To Live In A Tech-Dominated World

Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexels

It’s no secret that technology has done a lot for our lives, but when we start to think about how tech has taken over, we would be forgiven for wanting to take a step back on occasion. If you think that every corner of your existence is dominated by tech, what should you do to either maintain a balance or ensure that you can find an opportunity to step away? 

Consciously Step Into the Real World

One of the emerging trends over the last few months has been the Metaverse, this digital existence where we become avatars and live in The Matrix, but for real. And as the years progress, it would appear that more people are retreating into a digitized world rather than living in the real one, so if you are concerned, every time you look at your phone, make a conscious effort to put it down and step into the real world. 

Are You and Your Device Really That Close?

Your smartphone can help you communicate with the people you love and keep abreast of everything that is going on in the modern world, but as we have seen with modern smartphone models, they are more inclined to let you know how long you are spending online. So if you are thinking that your smartphone is the closest thing you have to a relationship consider stepping away and think about the real relationships in your life. 

Implement Practical Components Into Your Life

There are a few things that we can do rather than be on our computer. For example, you can start to uninstall the programs you haven’t used for a long time. Additionally, you could do some of the following: 

  • Eat lunch away from your desk 
  • Not check your phone while you are eating
  • Practice delaying your response to emails by waiting at least 2 hours 
  • Turn your phone on silent

Create a Hobby as a Replacement for Your Smartphone

Because the smartphone is the gateway into the digital world, we’ve got to break the relationship between the two. The fact is that we are all addicted to our smartphones in one way or another, and one of the best ways to overcome an addiction is to substitute one addiction for something that is less potent. When it comes to your smartphone, it’s about making a break from this unhealthy habit. You have to remember that it can take a long time for any habit to embed. And for something as omnipresent as your smartphone, it can take a few months for it to truly set in.

If you don’t want to stay in this tech world any longer, you’ve got to learn how to burn those bridges. But, of course, we can’t completely escape from technology unless we go off-grid. While it’s important for us to have one foot in the technical world, we can learn how to improve our lives and take a step back on occasion by limiting our tech use and focusing on the real world.
