Last night around 8ish in the evening, RIM released the official BBM 5.0. This can be downloaded with or w/o the App World (wish I knew that before putting it on 3 co-workers BBs). If you were like me & had the leaked version, you can get the official one w/o losing contacts and reap the benefits of the final product. Below is a recap of what are the specific changes/upgrades and after that links to get yours if you have yet to do so.

* Avatars can be easily set up and then populated from BlackBerry Contacts
* Group Functionality – allows groups of friends, family and personal contacts to stay connected & share experiences instantly on their BlackBerry smartphones:
o ongoing group chat
o sharing pictures
o organizing tasks and events with shared lists and calendars
* Bar-code identity – easily add/invite contacts to BlackBerry Messenger by displaying a 2-dimensional bar code that the invitees can capture with their BlackBerry camera
* Large Media File Transfer – up to 6MB

App World Link
Download via browser w/o App World


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