So you are creative but can’t create a way to get the latest Photoshop program? You have tried to bootleg a copy from a friend and it crashes in 45 to 60 days? (Mine does too.) Those are bad copies you say? Well Yeah! How about trying a free photo editing program called Gimp.

What is that you say, well take a look at these videos to get a better understanding.

Oh so you aren’t convinced yet? Well here is a nother video. This may just help you. Please understand this is free and not an expensive $699 Photoshop CS4 so the expectations should be limited.

Not too shabby for a free program. Thanks to GIMP for coming up with this open source program. How about helping to support the cause? Click here to donate and keep this a free program. I really hope these videos help you along with some of your creative aspirations with Gimp. No here is the site to download it for free.

Please enjoy!


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