The team that create DrawSomething are really on to “something”.  Just recently the OMGPOP team was recently acquired by Zynga the group that are known for such titles as Words With Friends, FarmVille and Mafia Wars to name a few.  The price tag for the acquisition, pricey!!

The OMGPOP team has definitely learned “something” this past week.  Like any artist or creator, your little bit of “something” can be worth more than you even know.  I am sure the developers behind the beloved “digital pictionary” or “Pictionary with/out friends” never thought their app will garner them $200 million but it did.  Zynga, which has made a name for itself as the mobile social network gaming giant, wanted and successfully retained the DrawSomething game and it’s team of 35 to 40 employees.  This was not an overnight venture for OMGPOP, they have been around since 2009 and for 3 years previous they were known only as Iminlikewithyou.  There loyal followers kept them moivng forward from an online gaming site to their boom into the mobile gaming world.  Their massive followers are concerned about a switcharoo to a Zynga styled gaming set up for their games but CEO, Dan Porter, says they will not be stifled with their creative freedom.  Zynga will allow them to operate just as they have right from their home base which is located in New York City.
 As far as changes due to the new monies involved, DrawSomething users can expect to see: undo last brush strokes, saving options for drawings, posts to Facebook and /or Twitter, and more words to draw.  This is truly “Drawsome”.  Congrats to the team over at OMGPOP.  The update is not currently ready but we will let you know as we find out more about the forthcoming updates.  This Tech Guy is going to go and “DrawSomething”.”