Reminiscent of the classic side-scrolling games like Double Dragon & Final Fight, Punch Quest is a game that has two buttons: dash punch & jump punch.  Between those two buttons you can jab, do combos, & slam ghouls, monsters, treasure chests, & pottery.  You gain access to power-ups after accruing enough credits where you can really have fun, punching your way through the game.  
Some fun things you can do in Punch Quest:
Punch an egg, causing you to explode into bones, while the egg explodes, revealing you inside the egg, but you’re now riding a velociraptor that shoots lasers out of its mouth.
– Eat mutagenic food, causing terrifying hallucinations.
– Juggle enemies with launching uppercuts and fast jabs, to keep up massive combo streaks.
– Slam an enemy into the dungeon floor so hard that it causes a shockwave.
– Punch a treasure chest so high into the air it crashes into a bat, both killing the bat and spilling coins everywhere.
– Turn into a gnome. Get stung by bees. Explode.
– Customize your characters with abilities and devastating Supermoves, and also their appearance in multiple different ways.

Check out a demo of game below.

Download it here

Categories: App Apple gaming iOS iPhone