These days it is pretty easy to share content like web pages, ebooks, & videos but sharing music has been a problem no one has yet to solve until now.  With the new Listn app you can ow do what was damn near impossible before. The app has entered the public beta phase today as archives all of your music meta data on your phone to build a profile.  Then allows content to be share to other Listn users.

Not only can you access other users native music, you can also access their playlists on Rdio, Spotify, and YouTube as well.  It works pretty well and fast.  Simply login, enter your access code, and start jamming.   The only issue some may have is that it requires a Facebook account to login.

An Android version and web app are in the works as well.  Check out the demo video below.

Download it here (use code fflistn to gain beta access)


Categories: App iOS music streaming