The team behind the Saint’s Row is back for another one.   Scheduled for an August 20th launch, Volition is bringing you yet another installment of the street gang turned pop icons for an ever crazier game.  What started as a DLC for part 3 and was scrapped due to the THQ selling their assets to Deep Silver (Volition’s new owners) is now an entirely new game.

From the shots shown from the trailer expect to see more nearly exposed body parts, crazier weapons of mass mayhem like space-age guns + battle suits, and even superhuman abilities like freezing, telekinesis, super-speed, & flight.  Any fans of the game probably though they couldn’t get any crazier but we were wrong.  Apparently the leader of the gang becomes the president of the United States to fight off an alien threat.  If you played any others, nothing is far-fetched.  (Spoiler: I will terribly miss the antics of Johnny Gat.)  I can’t wait.

