Earlier today Microsoft unveiled the new Xbox One and presented us with a lot of information about it.  Apparently there was some confusion about certain features on the next-gen console like: Does it support used games?  If it’s always online, can I play games offline?  Is there a fee to install a purchased game onto another console?  The news presented earlier as the answers to the aforementioned questions could pose as a deal breaker for many consumers.  We got the real deal below.

  • The Xbox One will support used games as after you insert the disc, it installs the game onto the HD. After that, its pretty much useless.  So GameStop can still take your games after installing.
  • No fees involved to install on another console.  So if you take the disc over to a friend’s house, as long as you use your sign-in you are good.  No real breakdown yet as on the how yet. 
  • Yes, you can play games offline but keep up with your progress may require you to be online to access your game saves since all your saves are stored on the cloud.  
  • Xbox 360 games and controller will NOT work on the new console.  Due to the new hardware, there is no backward compatibility   
Hopefully any other gaps of information and other matters will be addressed at E3 next month.  So if you have any other questions, its not that long of a wait.  
Categories: gaming Xbox One