Last time we spoke on BlackBerry’s forthcoming flagship device, the specs/details were a bit sketchy with nothing concrete.   Now things have gotten more clearer about what to expect with the most recent leaks on it.  Let’s delve in a bit deeper to see what makes this A-series device so special.

As you can see from the leaked slide above,  there isn’t a huge amount of changes coming to the A10 that would cause too much Z10 envy.  You do have the bigger 5inch OLED display, massive 2800 mAh battery and running the newest OS at v10.2.  That’s about it in regards to the internals.  Outside, there’s a bit more to going on.  The A10 is designed outside of your usual BlackBerry design scheme as it offers rounded corners and a two-tone chin similar to the latest from HTC.  

We could see the A10 officially launch as early as November.  Below the Vietnamese site TinheTe gives an AT&T version of the A10 a walkthrough on video.  

Categories: ATT Rumor Verizon