sunset overdrive
Set in a post apocalyptic future where the city is being taken over by mutants – which were human after drinking a bad batch of a company’s energy drink and then begin to spread. Sunset Overdrive takes the glass half full approach to the situation to create a good-looking game.

Think of a zany Dead Rising fueled by Red Bull but w/wall-running, insane weapons,  and zipcording on power lines.

The adventure game is created by Insomniac Games – the makers of Ratchet & Clank and Spyro The Dragon. It has been in the works for quite some time as the developers chose Microsoft as an exclusive launch partner due to having more freedoms w/ the Xbox One team.  

No exact word on when it will become available but we can expect to get info on it at E3 this year.   Which will be good as the impending price drop for the console is coming.  See the video of actual gameplay below.

Sunset Overdrive

Categories: gaming Xbox One