The times are definitely changing.  Technology has been implemented into many aspects of our lives.  In some places a lot slower than others.  One of them being our places of worship.   


I remember going to church every Sunday but unlike most kids I actually enjoyed my times there until I got older.  Then I just wanted to leave directly afterwards but couldn't as my dad was & still is the church treasurer and had to wait another hour until he & the rest of the team were done.  

Fast forward to today's age of digital information, where our youth are more connected online.  Church being a place where many methods are a bit archaic, they may never gain any interest in the word.  This is where the youth and others can lead their church into making that transition into more modern practices to better spread the word and gain more members.  


Is Your Church Ready For v2.0?

There is already a rise in devices usage in the church.  Many members of congregations are leaving their Bibles at home and using a Bible app on their smartphone/tablet.  But that's just the beginning.  While the conversation maybe split in regards to whether technology has or doesn't have a place within the church.  
The conversation of utilizing mobile devices to enhance your faith in the various houses of worship.  Jason Caston is leading the charge of this movement.  He is the digital specialist for T.D. Jakes Ministries as well as an AT&T consultant/spokesperson.  Jason has gone to develop the iChurch Method and turned it into a book.  He goes to share ways he has helped ministries to share their messages online.  
While currently my church is only providing audio + video tapes of sermons there is still room for them to grow.  I will be talking to some of the members to see how they would feel about adopting some of Jason's methods to expand their reach along w/ their message.  
AT&T is behind this movement called Inspired Mobility as it encourages the conversation.  Is your church changing w/ the times and upgrading or sticking the ways of old?  How would you feel if your church began w/ these practices?  Do they already?  Sound off about it below.  
Next up: we'll diverge into the many ways you and your church can make that transition.  
*We were compensated for this post by AT&T as our opinions are 100% our own.*  
Categories: ATT Mobile Sponsored