Yesterday was Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Tech Summit over in Maui, Hawaii where they revealed the new Snapdragon 855 CPU that will support the new 5G data speeds coming in 2019.  

So the Snapdragon 855 will be the 2019 replacement for the Snapdragon 845 chipset.  THis will bring forth a 3x improvement in overall performance from last year, 4th-gen AI Engine that will be the world’s 1st computer vision ISP, a 3D Sonic Sensor support or their name for an in-display fingerprint reader, and will support multi-gigabit download speeds on 5G networks.

Both AT&T and Verizon are showing off 5G phones + mobile hotspots at the Tech Summit using the Snapdragon 550 + X50 modem.  So get ready for just about every flagship device to have one of these inside minus the iPhone for next year.  

Anyone looking to get even faster speeds on their smartphones?


Categories: Android Mobile Qualcomm