Kicking off our CES 2019 coverage are new announcements from Ecovac Robotics.  They have not one, not 2, but 3 new smart home products to make home life a bit easier.  They have the DEEBOT OZMO 960: a new AI-powered floor
cleaning robot.   The ATMOBOT: a smart autonomous air purifying robot.  And WINBOT X: their award-winning window cleaning robot. 

Ecovacs is trying to make the Jetsons home more of a reality.

So the DEEBOT OZMO 960, as you can see above,  is a robo vacuum that utilizes their advanced AI + Visual Interpretation or AIVI for short.  This allows it to better view its surroundings for a better cleaning path & better object avoidance.  

The ATMOBOT doesn’t just sit in one spot, it moves around.  It does so by touting a LDS or Laser Distance Sensor w/ ultra-sonic sensors to craft a virtual map to create a clear path around the home.  This scans your home to find a purification spot then does so before finding another spot.  Inside it has 4 layers of HEPA filters on both sides along w/ 3 levels of fan power to get the job done.  

The WINBOT X is a kind-of-cordless window cleaning robot.  We say kid-of due to the suction cup it is attached to.  This does allow it to cover more glass the older models.  It clean regular windows inside/outside your home as well as windows on high buildings.  You got a 4-stage cleaning system which includes a deep clean mode.  It even has a Safety Tether System that alerts you to when air pressure within the suction cup is too low.  This alert will definitely come in handy when cleaning high rises.  

No word on pricing or availability on either of these 3 products thus far.  They will be on display and able to demo at CES.

Based on the info we gave you, any of these 3 pique your interest?

Categories: CES 2019 Lifestyle