By now, all of you who pre-ordered one and those who picked one up on launch day has their Galaxy S10 in hand.  We know that by now everyone else has their review & other coverage on it live already.  But we got our review unit on launch day courtesy of the good folks over at T-Mobile.  

Now we usually don’t do this type of coverage on phones.  But w/ the S10’s new hardware & One UI software offering a bit more customization than other device, we wanted to share our setup and tips on how you can do this on your S10.  Let’s dive into it all, shall we?


The good community over at reddit have been compiling several images that works w/ the hole-punch front-facing camera(s).  You got choices from Bender from Futurama, Darth Vader, R2D2, Homer Simpson, Winnie The Pooh, Mickey Mouse, CatDog, and more to choose from.  I’m currently using the Darth Vader one.  

All of the S10 wallpapers are here.

Homescreen Settings:

This might be helpful to you or no so much.  The new One UI icons are large – like old Google Launcher large.  So if you want to put more icons on your homescreen, you can do this adjustment to do so.  Just go to Settings > Display > Homescreen > Homescreen Grid and adjust it from 4 x 5 to whatever you wish.  I opted for the 5 x 5 option.  If you feel the same way about the app screen, you can do the same.  You would do the same steps but instead of Homescreen grid, hit Apps screen grid to change it.  

Remap Bixby Button:

Its getting better but still not interested in using Bixby so you can now officially remap the Bixby to another app (just not another assistant though).  Go to Settings > Advanced Features  > Bixby Key > select Double press to open Bixby >  tap Use single press to remap it.  I use it to open Google as I use the Discovery page a lot.  You can pick up 3rd-party apps to use it to open Google Assistant though.  

Display Settings:

As far as the S10/S10+ display, you will have to tweak the display a bit fresh out of the box.  By default, the screen resolution is at FHD+ (2280 x 1080) as you need to turn it up to WQHD+ (3040 x 1440).  Next up, we have the Screen Mode.  Instead of multiple options, you now have 2: Natural & Vivid.  When you opt for Vivid, you can control the White Balance as well as the RGB levels too.  Where you can tweak it to your preference.  

  • Replacing the samsung weather widget w/ Google At A Glance to show date/weather/calendar events to free up room for apps.  
  • in the notification shade, hit the 3 dots and go to button order to organize the 3 pages of quick settings.  
  • Move the Brightness slider to the top of the notification slider by hitting the down arrow next to it and hit ‘Show control on top’.

This is just how I took advantage of the native customization on the S10 w/o resorting to 3rd-party launchers and such.  Let us know how you hooked yours up or what we might have missed.  

Categories: Features