Yesterday, Tesla kicked off their Tesla Arcade that allow you to game on their infotainment system.   They already have have classics like Atari Missile Command and Asteroids.  Yesterday, they added Beach Buggy Racing 2.  

The racing title is full of kart racing across 22 tracks utilizing your steering wheel, pedals, and the touchscreen as well.  The cool thing is that you race in the actual Tesla vehicle as part of the game.  If you’re interested in checking it out, you can head over to your local Tesla dealership from now until June 30th.  You can just RSVP and play for yourself.  

This is only the 1st of game to come to the Tesla Arcade.  We’re supposed to get more titles and even Netflix & YouTube coming soon as well.  Looks like a fun way to kill some time in your Tesla.  


Categories: Cars Lifestyle Tesla