After the events of Avengers: Endgame, how does Peter Parker and Spider-Man move forward in a world w/o Iron Man? Especially in a world where everyone is looking to see who will fill that void. This is part of the conflict Peter deals w/ in Far From Home all while trying to enjoy a summer vacation traveling in Europe. We’ll dive into everything w/o revealing anything about it. This is our spoiler-free take on Spider-Man: Far From Home.
What I Liked:
- Spider-Man eventually doing more and believing more in his self and capabilities.
- Seeing Mysterio on screen done and done well.
- Great balance of seriousness, levity, and progression of characters within the Spider-Man cast & MCU.
What I Didn't Care For:
- There wasn’t much I didn’t care for in this one film.

The film isn’t as humorous as Homecoming but good. The story is spot on the flows smoothly, no glaring plot holes w/ good pacing. There is more Spidey fighting action this time around – even more than Homecoming. The post-credit scenes are game changers for Spider-Man story moving forward as well as the MCU. Definitely curious to see where they go w/ the 3rd iteration of the film. Even though this was the last contractual agreement for Marvel & Sony, I’m sure they’ll continue to re-sign and make more films together.

No sophomore slump this go-round for Spider-Man.
If you got a chance to see it, how did you like it? Or did you not care for it? Sound off below.