Earleir today, Microsoft took to the Internet to show off what their newer games are set to arrive for their upcoming Xbox Series X console.  They dropped a total of 13 game trailers coming later this year.  Unfortunately, nothing on Halo Infinite or Forza or Gears though.  You can check them all out below.

Microsoft shows off what their graphics will looks like as well as ray-tracing lighting effect, 8K resolution, & faster loading times.  Out of the 13 titles shown off, 9 of them will support their Smart Delivery system.  This means that each title will get an Xbox Series X Optimized version and will come w/ an Xbox One version for free.  This will work out nice for those w/ more than one Xbox in the house.  

So which one of these titles are you interested in thus far or do you need to see more?

Categories: gaming Xbox