Working remotely is the new norm for many of us. With the pandemic accelerating a shift towards working from home, it’s crucial for employees to have access to the tools and tech they need to thrive away from the office. In this guide, we’ll explore some essential tech investments for homeworkers.
Photo by Ken Tomita from Pexels
Wireless keyboards
If you use a desktop computer, it’s hugely beneficial to invest in an ergonomic wireless keyboard to promote comfort and productivity. When you type, you should be able to reach the keyboard without stretching or straining and your wrists should be supported. If you’re struggling to reach the keys, or you’re not comfortable when you’re sitting at your desk, there is a risk of injuries, including RSI (repetitive strain injuries), which can slow you down and cause pain.
Wireless mouse
Using a wireless mouse gives you more freedom and flexibility while working from home.For many of us, homeworking was an unexpected surprise in 2020, but it is a trend that is set to continue growing as more businesses embrace flexible working patterns. The main advantage of a wireless mouse is that you’re not limited to where you can work or how far you can move. You can work in different parts of your home or in public places and you can adopt more comfortable positions when you’re sitting for long periods using a keyboard and monitor.
Laptop stand
Many of us are familiar with a daily routine that now involves frequent video conferences and Zoom or Teams calls. A laptop stand can be beneficial for workers who participate in interactive calls regularly, as it adjusts the position of the screen. Elevating the laptop is beneficial not only for aesthetics when you’re dialling into video calls, but also for posture and vision. Ideally, your screen should be level with your eye line so that you can type, speak or watch and listen without having to slump or crane your neck. When you’re sitting at a table or desk, your back should be straight without your shoulders relaxed. As well as using a laptop stand, it’s also critical to ensure that you have an adaptable, adjustable chair that provides lumbar support.
Desktop speaker
If you have time to work independently away from group chats or meetings, you may prefer to have background noise rather than silence. If you like to listen to music while you work, a desktop speaker is a fantastic investment. You can adjust the volume or change tracks by turning dials, pushing buttons or using voice controls.
Noise-canceling headphones
Many employees will be familiar with trying to work with a soundtrack of children playing, homeschooling classes, TV adverts or traffic to contend with. If this scenario applies to you, it’s wise to use noise-canceling headphones. You can use your headphones to enjoy peace and quiet, as well as to take part in meetings and calls.