ipad air stock
Yesterday, the folks over at Bloomberg reported on the arrival of a larger iPad set to launch sometime early next year. A 12.9inch sized iPad to be exact. This corroborates w/ a previous report late last year about a larger iPad Pro on the way to join the mini + Air sizes.

Apple appears to be making plans to better cater the enterprise crowd on the tablet side of things.

Thus far there is no talk of actual specs or features that might be present on the bigger slate. Earlier mentions threw out a higher resolution Retina Display but we’ll have to wait and see. This will be more towards the enterprise crowd pushing productivity to the forefront.

Side note: iOS 8 is said to offer split screen multitasking as well.

The timing would be perfect as Apple recently partnered w/ IBM to push more iOS services to that crowd. Looks like the Surface might have a turf war on their hands in the very near future.


Categories: Apple Mobile