You might have seen smartphones over the last year or so add a Night Light mode or a Blue Light filter option.  There is a reason for that as excessive exposure to it is no Bueno for your eye health.  The folks over at Pixel Eyewear is looking to help out for when you’re eyes are everywhere else.  
They reached out and wanted to see if we wanted to check them out.  We said yes and we got the Buteo style prescription glasses to really dive into daily use of them.  They make computer & prescription glasses to block out the blue light as well as cut down on eye strain.  We’ll get to the perils of blue light shortly.  
Blue light is similar to UV light but sits at the cusp of in-between visible & non-visible light.  Our eyes weren’t meant to handle heavy exposure to the blue light that comes out of displays (TV, computer monitor, smartphone,etc.).  This can lead to sleep disruption, dry eyes, blurred vision, headaches, and even cataracts.  
So wearing these tuned down the bright Whites & Blues to be manageable over the course of several hours.  These aren’t tinted but offer an anti-reflective coating that helps block UV as well as Blue Light.  All while reducing color + image distortion as well.  

No tinted glasses needed here.

I definitely noticed less eye strain that I didn’t notice until I compared these to my other glasses.  Also, less glare when driving at night as well.  Enough so that my Warby Parker glasses are now my backup pair.  I would recommend these for anyone who spend a lot of time in front of a smartphone or computer (content creators, gamers, programmers, etc.)
Pixel Eyewear comes in regular & prescription lenses to make sure everyone is covered.  For you skeptics out there, Pixel offers a 30-day risk-free trial so you send them back if you’re unsatisfied. 

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