On Saturday, I was fortunate enough to get wind about an event happening@Micro Center. This was hosted by Alienware presenting the ultimate pc gaming experience with free system/gaming trials where you could play games like Ghostbusters & Bionic Commando on their systems (desktops & laptops).

Free Alienware T-Shirt

Quake 4 gaming competition. The lovely models were the pro gamers to test your skills against.

Alienware hardware

Alienware laptop

Now this was dope! This was the ultimate gaming chair/capsule powered by Alienware. I was fortunate enough to speak with the Chief executive behind this as well as having the pleasure to sit inside of it. This capsule is called the Ovei and was designed by the McClaren Group (who engineered the F1 McClaren). Very nice.

I was fortunate enough to recieve a giveaway (which was an Alienware bag w/strings, t-shirt, & an 8GB Micro Center flash drive), that they only gave way to the 500 attendees. They were raffling off an Alienware heavy duty laptop bag, gaming keyboard & gaming mouse along with Bionic Commando, Ghostbusters, & Sims 3 for the PC.

Free Alienware bag


Categories: gaming