Well, I have taken a look into my magic crystal ball and I have seen the future. What you don’t believe me? A 3 dimesional television is on it’s way. Oh! You knew that. Well did you know that there are Blu Ray players that will be needed to watch these special 3d discs? Yeah, you knew that too. Did you know certain sporting events are already showing in 3D? You did? Well, alright. I don’t have a magic crystal ball but I do know that currentlySamsung has the only Blu-ray player that will help to give you a simulated 3d experience with some of the current titles out already on Blu-Ray. This isn’t to say that you don’t spend your money on 3D Blu-ray discs for these are the only true 3D experience discs, hence the word simulated. This just simply says as you wait for other titles other than Monsters vs. Aliens and the soon to be released Avatar and potentially Clash of the Titans, Alice in Wonderland, and the kid fun Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, you can watch your current library of Blu-ray discs or start to buy some. (I wouldn’t go too crazy buying up discs because who knows what may be converted to 3D.) They have other titles as well such as Coraline, Bloody Valentine, and Friday the 13th just to name a few. What would you like to see in 3D? How about 300 or the Matrix? Let us know. Sign up in the right corner or email us.
I know the obvious question is what will it cost for this new technology? Well let’s start with what you can get now for free. If you have the Sony Multimedia Gaming station, the PS3, you can get a firmware update to upgrade your PS3 Blu-ray player to a functioning 3D Blu-ray player. Here’s the link for the latest update to the PS3, but not for the 3D capabilities. (That update is not ready for release as of this post.) Other than that you are looking at anywhere from $200 to $400 for a 3D ready/capable player.
What else is there? Well you can’t forget the 3D glasses that will range from $100 to $600, so far. Do not think for one second that you can use any old 3D glasses either they made sure the technology is different so you need to buy the glasses to experience the 3D. These new glasses will be using the active shutter technology,(hit the link for definition.) Please keep in mind that you can turn the 3D feature off through the television settings, especially if you opted for one pair of glasses and not enough to share the experience. The motherload purchase will be and is the television of course, that starts around $1700 and higher, depending on brand, size, type (Rear Projection, LCD, LED, and Plasma) and quality.
Samsung is fortunately running a special promotion with every 3D player or television you will get a free starter kit with 2 3D glasses and one 3D movie (Monster vs. Aliens) that is subject to end approximately the end of May 2010. Panasonic also has their own variation to a promotion where they will include a pair of 3D glasses in the box with your television.
So although I am no fortune teller, here is a look into our future.