Ever had your smartphone in your pocket or holster and thought you felt it buzz but no new alerts?  If not, then this does not apply to you but could affect someone you know.   If so, then you may suffer from Phantom Cellphone Syndrome or PCS for short.   This is not something that someone made up, this is a real condition.

ComputerWorld interviewed with California State University psychology professor, Larry Rosen, spoke about the condition in his book iDisorder.    PCS is a form of tech-induced anxiety made more common as people have become more connected to their devices on a 24/7 basis.   Rosen goes to say,

“I think it comes again from anxiety. Our body is always in waiting to anticipate any kind of technological interaction, which usually comes from a smartphone. With that anticipatory anxiety, if we get any neurological stimulation, our pants rubbing against our leg for example, you might interpret that through the veil of anxiety, as ‘Oh, my phone is vibrating.”

All that over being anxious about an incoming phone call, email, tweet, Facebook post, etc.  The more we are on our phones, the less we interact in-person.   I know plenty of people that hate talking on the phone, they would rather use texting as their  main line of communication and the phone for emergencies.  This is one of the many scenarios where this condition grow among the populace.

For those you are actually concerned about this, there is a solution of sorts.   All you have to do is incorporate some time to disconnect throughout your day.   Give yourself a tech break.   Especially for those who are on their phone constantly 24/7.   Start taking a 10-15 minute break every couple of hours to escape the madness in order to reset your brain.   While you are unplugged from the Matrix, go for a walk in the park, exercise, or another activity to relax your mind.   Resetting your brain gives it a break so it can better process information.

So if you or someone you know suffers from PCS, disconnect from a while and give your brain a break.  Especially for this Father’s Day weekend.

