Earlier this morning Bloomberg reported that while Apple is still working bring us an television set, the company is in development of bringing an iOS-based smartwatch to the market this year.  Apple’s smartwatch has a development team of 100 product designers as the company has filed over 79 patents in the past few years of wearable products.  Apparently this is no longer a rumor.

Apple wants to monetize on the idea of using iOS products on your wrist.

The concept has been a favorite of Jony Ive as he ordered boxes of wearable Nike products for his designers to examine.  Apple looks to create a concept including the Nike Fuelband, Pebble, & a twist of the iPod nano into one.  Interesting enough, Apple’s iPod nano has been very popular at one point as many consumers bought a wristband and used it as an impromptu smartwatch.   As the popularity of wearable technology spikes with the Pebble and Google Glass, it seems to be an opportune time for Apple to step into the market.

via Bloomberg

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