The excitement on my face says it all! Anyone cares to comment?  Remember to be kind.

While out and about at LG’s new Optimus event, we spotted some Google Glass wearers who were in the building with us and were kind enough to let us demo it.  If you have been noticing, a lot more of Glass wearers have been popping up more and more.  These are the Google Glass Explorer editions floating around as last year’s Google I/O attendees were able to order one for $1,500 and they are just arriving.   Consider these as their public beta as Glass for consumers is said to be ready sometime next year, hopefully at a lower price point.  Anyways after spending a little time with them on, I wanted to share my initial impressions of the first wearable tech of its kind.

My experience with Google Glass, while short, will be memorable.  I can’t wait to see the final product.    While at I/O last year I think everyone wondered how was Google going to pull off wearable technology.  A year later they have the Google Glass Explorer and distributed to over 1000 wearers as Beta wearers.  I would love being a Beta wearer.  Some of the highlights behind the Google Glass Explorer are:
  • Google Now built in
This will change the way you use Google Now.  You need information on the fly, Google Glass will give it to you right in your peripheral vision.
  • Voice Activation for everything (Sharing, taking pics or videos)
Speak your needs and Google Glass will give you your visual answers. (This may not work for every little thing but as the Explorers continue to explore, you will see more add ons become available.)
  • GPS enabled
Without taking your eyes directly off the road directions will be right there for you.  Our friend said she used it as she walked to the event.  It was perfect.  Bicyclist, walkers, Zombie runners alike will love this.  I know I do.
  • Touch controlled
I don’t know how it works exactly but the static control was amazing.  If phones used this of course there would be a whole lot more accidental phone calls and more data used than we all would like. (Especially with all these tiered data plans being implemented.)

Mind blowing technology at it’s best.

  • 5 Megapixel Camera
We actually experienced how this will work.  Voice activate the camera feature and if you have Google Glass synched to your phone you can watch what is captured and show to your friends as it is taking the picture.
  • Video record what you see, as you see it
Pretty much the same idea as the camera.  Imagine GoPro Cameras but more stylish.  I can see it now more extremist getting in on this in regular everyday activities.  (Jumping turn stiles, bar hopping, and everything that your friends catch you doing. You can now do it yourself.) Think first person live action on an amateur level.
  • Google Translator
This will help all world travelers and New York City travelers alike.  Imagine having Rosetta Stone at your finger tips with accurate pronunciation.
All this while wearing your screen.  Just imagine Pure Google on your head, at your voice command to  assist you in your every day needs.  My only hope is that the battery holds up to those of us that put a beating on our tech and it’s usage.
Below is a demo video showing you exactly how Glass wearers use it.
This light and durable device is just what the tech world needs.  Though it is a little uncomfortable because of the bulk behind your right ear, it quickly becomes unnoticeable.  With a variety of colors being offered this may just become the most wanted and flaunted tech of 2013 – 2014.  Expect to see more fashionable tech to compliment Google Glass, at least mock ups in the near future. Now if that doesn’t get you ready for Google Glass I guess you just need to experience it for yourself to realize how great it is.  

Thanks again to the lovely +Rosa Golijan.

Categories: Features