Another joy of getting an iPhone 6 (either size) is the option to pay w/ your phone.   After years of downplaying NFC, Apple is finally ready to utilize it and help take it to the next level.  They unveiled Apple Pay, their new answer to Google Wallet, PayPal, ISIS, etc.

 This might be R.I.P. To Google Wallet and the rest of them – or not.

Now don’t think that due to the recent alleged iCloud celebrity leak that Apple isn’t the best company to retain your information.  They’ve had your credit card info for quite some time for you iTunes customers and no breach of security has yet to unfold.  Apple will make use of NFC, Touch ID, and a Secure Element chip to keep process payments and keep your financial info free from being hacked.  Apple doesn’t know you’re buying as cashiers won’t even see your name during transactions.  Apple Pay is the missing piece of the PassBook puzzle to make the app actually useful.

American Express, MasterCard, and Visa are all on-board w/ various banks to get this thing rolling.  Retailers like the Apple Store, Bloomingdale’s Macy’s Walgreens, Subway, Whole Foods, and more are on board ready to take your payments via your iphone 6.  Apple Pay goes live in October via iOS 8 update and will work w/ the Apple Watch

Will you guys be using this?

Categories: Apple Mobile