SR4 reelected ps4 xbox 1
As the headline, Saints Row 4 is going next-gen courtesy of High Voltage Software. Unveiled at PAX Prime last week alongside a new DLC called Gat out of Hell. Within the latest DLC, Gat and Kinzie venture off to hell during a Ouiji game gone bad to rescue the Saints boss by going head-to-head w/ Satan.

The new content brings new weapons like the Arm Chairmageddon which is a La-Z-Boy recliner w/ chainguns on it, the Energy Caster, a Locust Gun, and a gun that fires a plague of frogs.

Gat out of Hell will arrive January 27th, 2015, for $19.95 by itself for current + next-gen consoles. Or get w/ the Saints Row 4 Re-Elected bundle along w/ the other SR4 DLC for $50.

Categories: gaming PS4 Xbox One