nintendo-switch-onthegoI know plenty of you all were excited about the unveiling of Nintendo’s newest console: the Switch.  This marks their much-needed return to competitive gaming consoles instead of the motion-based fun ones like the Wii & Wii U.

What You Need To Know About The Nintendo Switch

The Switch brings back cartridges in the form of Nintendo DS-like cards as well as the ability to play the same game at home and then on-the-go in a mobile form.  Al powered by a custom NVIDIA chipset.  Very interesting, right?  They did leave out some of the key things out like pricing and release date.  

Don’t worry last night, they announced via Twitter that the missing intel will officially arrive on January 12th in the US/the 13th in Tokyo time.  Luckily, that isn’t too long of a wait.

Nintendo (Twitter)

Categories: gaming Nintendo