Yesterday, YouTube’s new music service went live w/ YouTube Premium.  However, there are still one glaring question that has gone unanswered – until now.  What will happen to the libraries of Google Play Music subscribers if it shuts down?   Thanks to not a leaker but the actual head of music at YouTube: T. Jay Fowler.  

Fowler answered the question on Twitter saying that all of your music collection, playlists, & preferences should make its way over to YouTube Music.  So there you have it.  If this YT Music thing becomes a thing, it will be the future home for Google Music users.  They want the transition to be seamless as paid users will already have free access to YT Music & access to your Play Music library.  

Any Play Music users get access to YouTube Music to try it out let us know.  We have yet to see it on our end.  

Categories: Google Mobile YouTube