Stepping back into the Destiny 2 for its Forsaken expansion seems like Deja Vu in a sense.  Stick w/ me for a bit and allow me to explain.  Think back to when Destiny first came out back around this time in 2014.  It had a great start w/ fresh ideas + great execution of them all.  But after a few of the expansion updates, it got a bit stagnant and some of the ideas didn't come across os great.  Then came The Taken King DLC was breathed new air into the game.  

Then one year ago, Destiny 2 came out w/ a fresh new story and new ideas as well.  Following the launch came DLCs & changes left a bad taste in the mouths of Destiny 2 fans.  So we enter the Forsaken expansion pack and it reminds me of how I felt when I played The Taken King - which was great IMO.  See, Deja Vu.  Let's break it all down w/ the highs & lows of the game below.  

It starts off w/ revenge for our beloved Cayde-6 & then gets bigger.  

It isn't a Destiny game if it don't have any fun in it.  By fun, I mean lots and lots of fighting to get necessary levels, weapons, items, etc.  The fun continues here in the Forsaken expansion pack but IMO, its not as tedious or difficult to level as previously. 

If you haven't played in a while like me, then you'll have to prep yourself by getting rid of your older weapons as they're just taking up space.  You only got 10 slots and no reason to still carry level 10 weaponry.  We mentioned leveling up easier, public event is a great way to do it.  Usually more advanced players will join in as everyone is trying to level up to 50 & 500 light level quickly. 

Outside of that, its just business as usual w/ taking out the bad guys.  This case is still the 8 barons and then moving on to the Blind Well and the Dreaming City.  The last mission is huge and filled w/ hidden things so they definitely want you to take your time.  Better make sure you're completely leveled up before making your way there though as the bad guys are super tough there. 

The new Gambit mode might be the best reason to grab Forsaken.  So the setup here is you and your team of 4 vs another team of 4 vs AI enemies.  You have to kill bad guys for motes which count as Gambit currency.  Get up to 75, deposit them, and a Primeval + yellow bar boss arrives.  Each team is on their own side so its a kills/motes against the other team.  Which ever team kills the boss first gets the win. 

However, when you're killed you lose motes.  Anytime someone pockets 5,10,or 15 motes at a time, your bank closes off an summons someone from the other team to slow you down from reaching 75.  Yeah, so its a lot going on w/ it but once you get the hang of it, its fun and a great way to get some cool items.  This is great replay value and its something I'll be coming back to. 

The Forsaken expansion is more than just another DLC for Destiny 2, its everything.  

TG 2 Cents

Destiny 2 Forsaken adds more things to do as well as keeping the legacy of the Destiny brand still interesting.  You got the new campaign, new public events, new weapons systems, gambit mode, new raids, and more.  Once I got used to the Gambit, I loved doing that more than anything else.    This has way more positives than negatives things about it.  Like the bad legendary drops, some glitches, and more collecting for weapon infusion.  

This is a great reason to get back into Destiny 2 if you've stepped away from it.  Hopefully, things don't go south again w/ the forthcoming expansion packs.   So if you haven't picked it up yet, make sure you hit the link below to pick this up.  

Categories: Destiny 2 Review