Last week, it was revealed that there was a bug inside of Group FaceTime that allows others to listen in whether you pick up the phone or not.  We also told you how to turn it off to avoid any privacy issues. 

So the fix is apparently in from Apple earlier this afternoon.  In the form of iOS 12.1.4 update is now available.  The fix was supposed to arrive last week but was delayed until today.  So if you’re willing to give Apple another shot, you can turn FaceTime back on and give it a shot w/ this update.  

Along w/ the fix, the new update will also bring forth new Animojis (giraffe, shark, warthog, & owl) and support for AT&T’s false 5G E network for some reason.  I guess the $$$ is good.  

Are you giving FaceTime another shot? 

Categories: Apple Mobile