Looks like we have another fix set to come to the Pixel 4.  This time around, its targeted towards the 90Hz Smooth Display.  

Folks on reddit discovered that you need to have the brightness on the device set high, like 75%, to enjoy the 90Hz display.   Outside of that, it remains in the standard 60Hz refresh rate.  You can bypass all of this by accessing Developer Settings and Force 90Hz to stay on all of the time but your battery will take a massive hit. 

The folks over at The Verge got an actual statement from Google about the matter as you can check it out below:  

We designed Smooth Display so that users could enjoy the benefits of 90Hz for improved UI interactions and content consumption, while also preserving battery when higher refresh rates are not critical by lowering back down to 60Hz.

In some conditions or situations, however, we set the refresh rate to 60Hz. Some of these situations include: when the user turns on battery saver, certain content such as video (as it’s largely shot at 24 or 30fps), and even various brightness or ambient conditions. We constantly assess whether these parameters lead to the best overall user experience. We have previously planned updates that we’ll roll out in the coming weeks that include enabling 90hz in more brightness conditions.

So Google more or less shipped a device w/ a variable refresh rate for the most part.  Not sure what the update will fix.  So you can add this to the other update coming to the Pixel 4 to fix Face Unlock reading your eyes tooBy now, many of you may have your new Pixel 4 or 4 XL in hand.  

Who’s looking forward to these updates coming to Google’s flagship?

RedditThe Verge

Categories: Android Google Mobile