Yesterday, the folks over at Tile unveiled their new lineup of products to help you keep up w/ your things and prized possessions.  Meet the Tile Sticker, Tile Slim, Tile mate, & the new Tile Pro.  

The new Tile Sticker is a super small round tag you can place to small pieces of tech & more things.  It offers a 3M adhesive to stick to things, is waterproof, has a built-in 3-year battery life w/ a 150ft Bluetooth range.  You can pick up a 2pk for $40 or a 4pk for $60.  

Next, we got the redesigned Tile Slim that is the now the biggest of the products but the thinnest.  It is made to fit perfectly in your wallet, luggage tags, and more places.  The Slim is waterproof, has a built-in 3-year battery life and offers a 200ft Bluetooth range.  You can grab one for only $30.  

The Tile Mate & Pro have been updated for you as well.  They retain the square-ish design to add to your keychain that’s water-resistant and have a 1-year battery that’s replaceable.  But one has more range than the other as well as one is a bit bigger than the other.  The Mate has a 200ft Bluetooth range while the Pro offers a 400ft Bluetooth range.  The Mate has a $25 price tag while the Pro will cost you $35.  

So which one of these will you be adding to Christmas list of stocking stuffers?


Categories: Mobile TIle