Man, OnePlus is making some amazing moves over the past few years.  From amazing innovations and getting T-Mobile US carrier support, they’re killing it.  So what’s next for them?  120Hz displays and Verizon 5G carrier support.  

According to the most recent report from Android Police, the upcoming OnePlus 8 will be the 1st device to become available for Verizon.  This would get them not one but 2 carrier stores their product will be available.  I’m not totally surprised as OnePlus got Verizon support for their SIM cards to work in their phones a few years back so this is the gradual next step.  This is really a big deal as Verizon is the largest US carrier and add that w/ T-Mobile support, this is quite the win for OnePlus.  Never Settle indeed. 

It’s crazy cause OnePlus is truly living the dream that Huawei was trying to achieve a few years back w/ US carrier support and availability.  

Anyways, who’s looking forward to this to happen later this year? 

Android Police

Categories: Mobile OnePlus Verizon