While the rumors of the new Apple products for 2020 hasn’t been anything but short – even though we’re only 2 months in.  Apple is going Pro w/ another audio product as they already have the AirPods Pro and next up: headphones.  More specifically, over-the-ear headphones to be exact. 

We’ve heard about it previously but now, we got a bit info.  Jon Prosser over at Front Page Tech got images form Target’s product database showing off a product called Apple AirPods (X Generation) w/ a $399 price tag attached to it.  It offered 3 different SKUs which could mean it will arrive in 3 different colors.  This may sound sketchy but Target placeholder listings like this one is a common and real thing – at times.  Atypically, a placeholder is a sign that the product is set to ship within the month or as close as the week.  

Now even though Apple owns Beats By Dre, these would something sold under the Apple branding.  Not sure if they will be similar to the Beats Studio 3s or something completely different.   We previously mentioned new Apple products for the year as we’re expecting their Tag trackers, a new wireless charger, a new budget iPhone, and updates to their iPad Pro, MacBook Pro, & Air line.  

Would anyone be interested or trust Apple for their audio beyond earbuds?

Jon Prosser (Twitter) | Apple Insider

Categories: Apple Mobile