This pandemic of coronavirus or Covid-19 has been changing a lot on how we operate on a global-level.  It’s been pretty bad w/ trying to contain and prevent the spread of it as well.  So much so, that 2 unlikely companies have teamed up to do something about it: Apple & Google.  

The 2 companies have teamed up to create a tracking system for the virus for both of the mobile platforms: Android & iOS.  They would create a system-wide application for contact tracing.  This would help identify people who may have come into contact w/ the infected. 

This will be a 2-step process that will allow information collected to be accessed by health officials.  The 1st step is that Apple & Google are looking to release APIs in May via apps that users can download from their own app stores.  And the 2nd step is on the device side of things that will be shared via Bluetooth.  

Now this sounds all good and dandy to fight the Rona but what about our privacy?  Google kind of makes their $$ off of sharing your stuff and Apple tries to be on the up-and-up about not sharing it.  So it will be a combination of privacy, transparency, & consent so you’re made aware of what’s being tracked and shared.  

Now this is a good effort to do a bigger part in trying to contain this mess and save lives in the process.  Outside of making masks & ventilators, this is another way big companies are trying to help out.  

Apple | Google

Categories: Apple Google Lifestyle