Earlier today, 8BitDo announced their new Xbox One controller for Microsoft’s upcoming xCloud game streaming service.  For those of you unfamiliar, 8BitDo specializes in alternative & retro game controllers and bringing their options to the Xbox.  

The smaller version of the SN30 Pro Bluetooth controller will work w/ compatible Android smartphones/tablets.   It has a built-in 18-hour battery, USB-C port for charging, and a clip to attach phones to w/adjustable positioning.  This will come w/ separate software to allow for custom button mapping and adjustment of stick + trigger sensitivity.  As well as profile support to switch between custom loadouts.  

The SN30 Pro for Xbox controller is due out on September 21st and pre-order is available right now.  Microsoft will be launching xCloud game streaming as part of their Xbox Game Pass later this year.  We picked one up for our Nintendo Switch Streets Of Rage 4 review.

Are you picking this up?

Pre-Order Yours Here
