So Google Chat is making a comeback – to the forefront anyways.  Currently, Chat is a paid service for Google’s Workspace (formerly known as G Suite).  This will be the new home for Google Hangouts within the coming months.

Google looks to finally ‘kill’ off Hangouts but allow users to move their data (chat history, conversations, contacts, etc.) over to Google Chat which will become a free service inside of Gmail as well as a standalone app.  Now keep in mind that you will have to move your own data as Google won’t do it for you.  So back to what Google Chats will bring Hangout users, this will offer everything you’re used to but adds the ability to share files + collaborate w/ others.   

Google will also be killing Hangouts support for Google Voice as a Google Fi.  Google Fi support will begin transitioning in the next few weeks while Voice support will end early next year.  Hangouts will also stop allowing phone calls starting early next year + group video calls will have to start using Google Meet starting next month.  

Looks like the end of Google Hangouts is actually getting closer to a reality.  So as an avid Hangout user, I’m interested to see how Google Chat will be a suitable replacement.


Categories: App Google Mobile