Today was Google’s Search On livestream where they added more AI abilities to beef up their search.  One of the bigger new features announced was the ability to hum to search to identify that song via Google Search.  

So you will be able to hum, whistle, or sing a song into Google Search & it will tell you what it is by the way of machine learning.  It will show you results on based on the match it thinks it is.  So it will work by transforming audio into a number-based sequence representing the song’s melody.  Google trains its AI to search based on several audio sources (human singing/whistling/humming, studio recordings, etc.) and will work even if you’re tone deaf.  

This is a great evolution to one of my favorite feature ‘Now Playing’ which arrived on the Pixel 2 back in 2017.  This new feature will live within the Google app on both Android + iOS as well as Google Assistant.  You won’t have to wait as it is available right now on both platforms  and in over 20 languages on Android w/ more on the way.  

