With just 2 days left before its official unveiling, 52Samsung may have uncovered what Jeremy was hiding in the box.  We were are looking could possibly and probably is the next-generation Galaxy smartphone from Samsung.  As you can see, Samsung didn’t change much in regards to the design  and retains the plastic body.

The Galaxy S IV or the Galaxy III S?

The images confirm some of the rumored specs like showing a bigger camera sensor, a quad-core 1.8GHz processor, 2GB of RAM, bigger battery, running Android 4.2.1, and a 1080p HD display.  There are some new sensors in the front (possibly showing the eye-tracking tech) and the classic Home button which Samsung doesn’t seem to be ready to get rid of as early rumors suggested.  There’s a few more images below followed by a 3-minute video demoing off the device and TouchWiz.

Categories: Android Rumor Samsung