The new head of mobile software at Apple, Jony Ive, is already making some exciting, new changes to iOS. But these changes looks to put the launch of iOS 7 behind Apple’s internal schedule. So much that Apple had to pull engineers working on Mac OS X 10.9 to assist in helping it get on time.
According to John Gruber (Daring Fireball), Rene Ritchie (iMore) & various other Apple experts during a Branch conversation, sources who have seen Apple’s refreshed platform had this to say about it:
“Ive’s work is apparently making many people really happy, but will also apparently make rich-texture-loving designers sad.”
Earlier this year, I wrote a piece wishing for such an occurrence for the next rendition of iOS. Looks like my prayers maybe answered. Honestly looking forward to what Ive has been cooking up since he got into his recent position of power.