How many of us remember the days of a company actually giving the consumers what they promised, and in a timely manner?  Yeah, me either.  It does seem like there is one mobile platform continuously building us up for greatness and then in a blink of an eye kills our dreams and hopes of an effort on their part.  With no offers, new devices, or an improving software that is suppose to be available to all, are they even making any sense.

After the horrible installment of a troubled OS (the one previous to QNX, BBX, 10), you would think Blackberry would give us more than just the Q10 (the Z10 was just a year too late in my opinion.) I know there is the Z30, the Q5, and other improving devices that can withstand or at least stand up to current devices, but where are they?  And at this point, are they still coming?  Are they being tested and then tested some more and waiting for the right processors to test even more and then being released after they are outdated before sells can even start?

BlackBerry had the world in it’s hands and handed it over to fashion technology and then tried to revamp their entire business plan.  Instead of trying to follow a trend they should have just stayed with what made them different and effective.  Everyone across the boards agreed they had the best keyboards and message delivery system out.  Instead of focusing on touchscreen, they should have worked on building an ecosystem.  The results may not have changed as far as where they stand in the lineup of popular brands but they could have saved themselves a lot more money to invest in the processors for their devices, making their messaging (email, text, BBM) services better and incorporating that into their web browser experience (the PlayBook).

I guess what I am really saying is, if you are going to be a let down to those that want to see you survive, don’t waste so much time and money when doing it.  We would rather see your legacy live than burn with the devices that are not as important to the consumers (Storm, Tour, Style, Pearl, some of the Curves, must I go on).  The design team worked hard in creating these interesting devices but at the end of the day if it tarnished your main revenue stream (in my opinion) the messaging service, and keyboard layout, it was not worthy of putting your name on those designs.  More time and attention in the business world and less in the fashionable market. At this point I guess all you can really do is sell off the company. At the least sell off the messaging service, that has to be worth a few billion to Google!!

  There was just mixed feelings about BBM and it not being released yet. Fairfax Financial has made Blackberry an offer which could set them back in time to when they were a privately run business.  Of course this is too late for the thousands of layoffs that have already been planned due to slow sells of their previous devices which is an adverse effect of the company’s trouble times.  At any rate hopefully the buyout offer would be able to create an interest in other shareholders and potentially new relationships, financially.  If this is the case, do you think BlackBerry will continue the road to perdition that they seem to have gotten on at the last turn when they detoured in the directions of an all touch screen device?  We want to hear you response?  Any there still any loyal BlackBerry users? If so remember you can get your device now unlocked for any carrier.  This is a good time to get involved and give BlackBerry some much needed support.

Categories: Features Mobile