xbox-one-homescreenAs I said previously, June is gonna be a big month for the Xbox One. With more and more updates arriving at a monthly basis, Microsoft is definitely seeking to fine tune their next-gen console – sooner rather than later. As we have details on the official June update which will be in a few short weeks.

As we discussed before, the new update will add support for external hard drives utilizing USB 3.0 + up to 256GB. Ideal for when you run out of space in that 500GB HD after a while. Also coming is the ability to view/add real name to gamer profiles. You have the option to choose who gets to see your name or your friends names. Its completely up to you. SmartGlass gets better w/ access to OneGuide and bringing over Universal Remote Control to the app as well. And lastly, TV + OneGuide will arrive to more countries like Canada, UK, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy.

So as I said a big month for the Xbox One. A cheaper + Kinect-less console, free access to entertainment apps, and now this. They have definitely taken many steps to combat Sony’s PS4 sales figures and continue to do so.


Categories: gaming Xbox One