Yesterday, we got a new trailer for Destiny 2: Forsaken which gives you everything from the sequel.  Enter The Destiny 2: Legendary Collection: which gives you Destiny 2 game, Curse of Osiris, Warmind, and the upcoming expansion, Forsaken.  

Bungie did this for the original Destiny w/ The Taken King which got me into Destiny heavy.   Like The Taken King, Forsaken will require you to own the Destiny 2 & its previous packs.  You can pre-order it now as it will cost you $60.  Keep in mind that this won’t come w/ the Destiny 2 Annual Pass though.  You’ll have to shell out an extra $35  or buy the complete collection (Legendary Collection + annual pass) for $100.  

Destiny 2: Forsaken & the Legendary Collection will arrive on September 4th for PC, PS4, & Xbox One.  Are you looking forward to Forsaken expansion?

Categories: Destiny 2 gaming