HTC One A9

HTC One A9 Review

HTC has been pretty on high-end design & sound for Android devices for quite some time now. While that hasn't…


Google Pixel C Video Review

Google’s Android & Pixel team joined forces to create the Pixel C. The result: a half-win, half-lose.   We break…

Google Pixel C

Google Pixel C Review

2015 has not been a great year for tablets - unless you are Microsoft. But as the year approaches its…


Review: Droid Turbo 2 (Video)

Last year's Droid Turbo 2 marked the beginning of big changes of innovation from the good folks over at Motorola. …


Review: Lenovo LaVie Z Laptop

When you think of Lenovo, you think of innovation when it comes to Windows laptops & computers.  They've done /w…